Thursday, July 8, 2010

Field Trip #2 Corkscrew Swamp

Ghost Orchid Photo
Corkscrew swamp sanctuary was one of my favorite field trips. I first started my tour at the Blair Audubon Center and Living Machine. It was interesting to learn about a machine that mimics world's natural processes using water, sunlight, bacteria, plants and animals. I enjoyed the long boardwalk throughout nature and liked that there were maps that included tons of information and displayed how Florida's natural world is changing over time. I especially liked walking throughout the Pine Flatwoods since I did not know that is what most of Florida once looked like. My favorite experience was witnessing a Ghost Orchid which now has 8 to 10 buds on it. The Ghost Orchid is an endangered species and removing or relocating it is illegal. Because Corkscrew swamp is part of the Audubon Society, it is a must more established tourist site than others. I would definitely visit this area again in the future.

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